She Was Only 11, But Her Mom Knew Something Was Terribly Wrong

Jacqueline Dooley
9 min readFeb 18, 2019

This story was first published in the Washington Post on September 16, 2018

My daughter, age 11 (with her beloved cat, Pepper)

You’ve had a bad feeling all summer, a nagging in your gut that something’s wrong. She looks thinner, but she just turned 11 and kids that age get taller, thin out. Yet . . . why is she so pale in July? Why is she tired all the time? Your husband said it was because she’d been…



Jacqueline Dooley

Essayist, content writer, bereaved parent. Bylines: Human Parts, GEN, Marker, OneZero, Washington Post, Al Jazeera, Pulse, HuffPost, Longreads, Modern Loss